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Behind the scenes of a TU snow day

Read the latest issue of Dollars & Common Sense, the Division of Administration & Finance Blog, for the following articles:

Saying goodbye to Benefits Manager Dave Curtis
Video farewells from faculty & staff across campus—join them by leaving a message of your own!

Crime on campus reaches 19-year low
How TU’s crime rate has fluctuated since 1995.
Behind the scenes of a TU snow day
Photos and stories from the most recent storm.

9 tips for filing stress-free tax returns 
Great tricks PLUS resources that allow you to e-file for free.

Personnel announcement
Guess what A&F department just got a $10,000 grant!


About the Blog: Dollars and Common Sense shares news, announcements and information about the people and projects within the Division of Administration and Finance at Towson University. With more than 600 dedicated employees handling the university’s general operations, technology, construction, finances, human resources and safety, we have plenty of great news to share.

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