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Snack Tips from the Dietitian

Here are some tips for making a S.U.P.E.R. Snack

SUPER stands for:

  • S: Simple to find: Keep your healthy snacks front and center in your fridge and cabinets so they’re the first thing you grab.
  • U: Under 200 calories: Often times our “snacks” end up looking more like meals in terms of their calories (ex. a 400-500 calorie muffin for that afternoon pick-me-up). Think of your snack as a “bridge” between meals to keep you from arriving at your next meal ravenously hungry (which can lead to overeating).
  • P: Protein: Protein is a super macronutrient when it comes to feeling full and satisfied. Pairing protein, such as nuts, low fat string cheese or low-fat or fat- free yogurt in the proper portions, with a fruit or veggie will energize and refuel you for far longer than a soft drink and a candy bar.
  • E: Energizing: Forget the overly processed foods and stick with fresh, healthy choices filled with energizing nutrients such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Whole grains contain B-vitamins which are known as the “energy vitamins” because they help your body make energy from the food you eat.
  • R: Ready to pack and go. If they are not easy to grab and go, chances are you’ll forget to take them with you.

Source: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. www.eatright.org

For examples of healthy snacks visit the Towson Dining website.

For nutrition related questions contact Kerry Ballek, registered dietitian at kballek@towson.edu
