TU home | T3 | Today is the last day to apply to the 2014 Homecoming Committee!

Today is the last day to apply to the 2014 Homecoming Committee!

Don’t miss out on the unique opportunity to be a part of a university- wide event! General members and directors are needed to plan, execute, and spread school spirit during 2014 Homecoming!

More information and applications are available on-line at: {http://www.towson.edu/homecoming}.  The deadline has been extended from last week and are now due by today(2/21) at 5pm.  They can be turned into to the front desk in Student Activities, UU217, or emailed to jwolfi1@students.towson.edu.

Please contact Chris Rindosh, Homecoming Advisor at crindosh@towson.edu or stop in University Union 217.