TU home | T3 | Administrative Leave and Time Sheet Completion for Delayed Opening on 1/22/14

Administrative Leave and Time Sheet Completion for Delayed Opening on 1/22/14

Towson University was closed from 6 a.m. Tuesday, January 21 until 11:59 a.m. Wednesday, January 22, 2014. As a result, Administrative Leave was granted to Regular Staff, 10 and 12 Month Faculty, Librarians and Contingent Staff for their normally scheduled work hours during that time period. Please note that since regular time sheets have already been processed for pay period ending 1/21/14, no other adjustments are required for that day. Since contingent time sheets were already processed for pay period ending 1/24/14, requests for any adjustments for that time period should be forwarded to the TU Office of Human Resources Benefits, Leave and Timekeeping Unit staff listed below.

Regular Staff, 10 and 12 Month Faculty and Librarians should record the leave code ADMU in the Leave Code section on their time sheet along with any normally scheduled hours between midnight and 11:59 a.m. for 1/22/14. Employees who were not scheduled to work are not granted Administrative Leave. Employees who chose not to report when the university opened at noon must use their own earned leave for the entire period.  Non-Exempt Emergency Essential Personnel (usually only certain Facilities Management and Police employees) will be paid for hours worked in addition to receiving straight time Administrative Leave pay for their scheduled work hours.

Questions and/or requests for adjustments should be directed to Dave Curtis at x4-6018 and dcurtis@towson.edu, Davia McKenzie at x4-6022 and dmckenzie@towson.edu or Michelle Dacey at x4-6326 and mdacey@towson.edu.
