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TODAY! Throwback Thursday Twitter Contest (win a gift card)

Want a gift card to Towson Town Center? Of course you do!

October is Career Month, and this year’s theme is “It’s never too early”—as in, it’s never too early to prepare for your future! (The Fall Career & Internship Fair is today! Noon-3 p.m., West Village Commons.) To go with our theme, the Career Center will be hosting a series of kid-themed Throwback Thursday Twitter contests.

THIS WEEK’S CONTEST: Who was your childhood hero and why?

Don’t forget:
-Tweet your response @TUCareer
-Tweet before midnight for a chance to win. Find out if you won Friday morning!
-Include the hashtag  #ItsNeverTooEarly

Next week’s contest: What was your favorite childhood Halloween costume? If possible, tweet us a picture as well!

Stay up-to-date on internship and job opportunities, employer information sessions, career tips, job fairs, workshops, Career Center news, and more! Follow us on Facebook (CareerCenterTU) and Twitter.