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Towson Student Support Network Leadership Training Program

Equip yourself to help others deal with life’s difficulties

Become part of a new leadership training program sponsored by Towson’s Counseling Center and the Counseling Psychology Master’s Program.

The Student Support Network will train you to notice and help when your friends are struggling with issues like depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, sexual assault, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

All Towson students should take advantage of this training program as it will equip them with invaluable skills needed to supprt those they lead and interact with.

Students who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate naming them a Towson University Mental Health Advocate.

  • Eligible students must commit to attending the seven training sessiions which last 1 hour each week for 6 weeks.
  • Training sessions begin on Monday, October 21st at 3:30pm and end on Monday, December 2nd.
  • For more information and to obtain an application visit our website or contact one of our Program Assistants.

SSN Website:  http://www.towson.edu/psychology/studentsupport.asp

Application:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2013SSNApplication

Email:  StudentSupportNetwork@towson.edu or call 410-704-3063



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