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Speak Up!

How often have you wished that you had responded to something that was said or done? Many of us have had this unsettling experience due to uncertainty regarding how to respond. The Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity is offering a dynamic Speak Up! workshop that will provide you with the tools necessary to challenge everyday bigotry.  Speak Up! workshops foster discussion of encounters that individuals have had with everyday bigotry, from stores to restaurants, the classroom, or workplace. Participants openly share stories about incidents with a variety of people and how best to respond.  Participation in this workshop will provide an opportunity for you to develop and practice appropriate responses in order to be ready to address bigotry in a manner that is both effective and civil.

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to register for the next Speak Up! professional development workshop:

Date: Thursday, October 10

Time: 9 – 10:30 a.m.

Location: AD 120

RSVP online

Need More Information?  Contact LaVern Chapman at Lchapman@towson.edu / x4-2346

We facilitate and sponsor many workshops for faculty and staff.   If your staff/department is interested in participating in a Speak Up! workshop or would like to know more about this initiative, please contact Dr. Debbie Seeberger at dseeberger@towson.edu / x4-2360

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