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Innovation in Teaching Award 2014 – Call for Nominations

Innovation in Teaching Award 2014

Call for Nominations: Deadline September 30, 2013

The Office of Academic Innovation is proud to announce the inaugural awarding of the Innovation in Teaching Award at the Provost’s January Conference 2014.

The Innovation in Teaching Award honors faculty who have implemented outstanding innovative teaching approaches shown to increase student learning and success. The award is also designed to encourage the dissemination of these approaches to colleagues across disciplines.

Innovative teaching is defined broadly and may include the use of new instructional technologies, the use of traditional technologies in creative ways, novel approaches to instruction, and new ways to engage students in the learning process.

The Innovation in Teaching Award will be awarded to one full-time faculty from each college and the library. Each awardee will receive a $500 award, a commemorative plaque, and will be featured on the OAI website.

Faculty may self-nominate. Nominations may also be submitted by a colleague, a chairperson, or a student. All nominations should be submitted by September 30, 2013. Nominees will be notified by October 3, 2013 and asked to submit a 2-4 page narrative with support materials that document each aspect of the award criteria by October 31, 2013. Award recipients will be notified by December 12, 2013. Awardees will be expected to make a presentation about their teaching innovation during a special breakout session at the January Conference 2014.

For additional information on award criteria and to access the submission form please visit the Innovation in Teaching Award website.

Key Dates

Sept. 30 – Nominations are Due
Oct. 3 – Nominees are Informed of Nomination
Oct. 31 – Proposals are Due
Dec. 12 – Award Recipients are Notified
Jan. 15 – Recipients Present at January Conference

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