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Benefits Bulletin – Fall 2013 Tuition Remission Deadlines and Limitations

Deadlines and other limitations/restrictions announced by other USM institutions and the reciprocity institutions (Baltimore City Community College, Morgan State University and St. Mary’s College of Maryland) are available under the tuition remission heading at:  http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/benefits/summaries.asp.

Tuition remission request forms are available from both Towson’s Office of Human Resources (OHR) and the Bursar’s Office by accessing

http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/benefits/documents/1011tutionformandaffidavit.pdf   Keep in mind that both forms must be completed for tuition remission for the employee, a spouse, or child.  Please read forms carefully, and follow specific directions for completion.  All requests for tuition remission must be returned to Towson’s OHR for certification and processing.

Questions should be directed to Dave Curtis at x4-6018 or dcurtis@towson.edu, or Gail Price at x4-6017  or gprice@towson.edu.


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