TU home | T3 | 2013-2014 Faculty/Staff Permit Sales

2013-2014 Faculty/Staff Permit Sales

Faculty and staff parking permits will go on sale beginning Monday, July 15, 2013. Permit rates will remain the same this year and are based on the employee’s annualized base salary from the prior year as of June 2013.  Current permits will expire August 31, 2013.

For those who did not use payroll deduction as their payment method last year, permits are available for purchase online .

For Faculty/Staff who used payroll deduction last year to pay for their permit, your permit will automatically be renewed in July.  If you have not received a confirmation email of your permit sale by the end of July, please contact the Auxiliary Services Business Office to check on your permit renewal.  If you do not wish to take part in payroll deduction for the upcoming academic year, please complete a Payroll Deduction Cancellation Form by June 28th.  This form can be obtained through the Auxiliary Services Business Office which is located on level one of the University Union.

For more information about early permit sales please visit our website.
