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Faculty Kudos

College of Education

Richard E. Vatz of the Instructional Leadership and Professional Development Department gave a paper, “Covert Threats to Faculty Classroom Autonomy and Freedom of Speech,” at the AAUP national Conference on the State of Higher Education, held on June 14. The paper argued that faculty academic freedom is being attenuated by administrative appeals to accreditation and assessment, and faculty-administrator interference with classroom management, content and syllabi.
Dr. Vatz was the guest on The Jimmy Mathis Show on WBAL Radio on June 15 to discuss the National Security Agency’s Internet Surveillance program and criticized Edward Snowden’s revealing of information on said program. Dr. Vatz also appeared on Marc Steiner’s show on WEAA on June 20 to discuss the new psychiatric diagnostic manual, DSM-5, which has been the object of considerable criticism.



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