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International Student Hosting Opportunity

International Contracts is looking for families to open their homes to an international student (or two!) for the Summer in Maryland Host Family Weekend.  The weekend home-stay begins on Friday, July 26, 2013 at 4 p.m. and ends on Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 4 p.m.  This opportunity provides each international student a true experience of life in a “typical” American home and can result in the formation of wonderful, lasting relationships.

This summer, we will welcome students from South Korea, Puerto Rico, China, Brazil and Taiwan. By volunteering to be a host family, you will be able to learn about other cultures, teach international students about American culture, give your family the opportunity of  meeting students from around the world, help students to have unique experiences in the U.S., practice a non-native language, start new friendships that could last forever and more!

If you are interested in becoming a host family for the 2013 Summer in MD program or would like more information, please email Rachel Hammerbacher or Arlene Prince. You can also reach us by phone at x4-2239.