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Application for the Women’s Leadership Program Now Open

The Women’s Leadership Program is designed to help women become leaders in their chosen professions and empower other women. In return for committing volunteer hours to the Center for Student Diversity, participants receive leadership training and education on women’s issues. They also assist in planning larger events for the campus community and receive experience that can enhance their ability to be competitive in the job market after graduation.

Students selected for the program receive a $1000 scholarship.  This is an intensive year-long mentoring program.  The ideal applicant will demonstrate an interest in women’s issues as well as a desire for leadership training and development.  Program requirements are clearly explained in the application; students must meet all of these requirements or risk forfeiting their scholarship award.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2013-2014 school year until 5 p.m. on Monday May 27.  Students can read more about program requirements and download an application here: http://www.towson.edu/womensresources/scholarship.asp

Please contact Marie Lilly, Associate Director at mlilly@towson.edu with any questions.