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OAI Faculty Chat Series

OAI Faculty Chat Series

        Join   the Office of Academic Innovation at the OAI Faculty Chat Series on April 24 and May 7. The chats are informal conversations sparked by questions revolving around topics such as the state of learning and teaching in higher education and their impact on students and instructors. This semester, sessions will be facilitated by Dr. Diane Wood (Chair of the Department of Instructional Leadership & Professional Development). We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts about these topics and welcome   your questions, as well.

Registration: Click here to register for the upcoming chats

Light Refreshments will be served.

May Event: – Are we     cultivating humanity?

Date: May 7, 2013
Location: UU 314
Time: noon – 1:30 p.m.

Question for May Chat:

In order to enrich our conversation, we invite you to read Lion F. Gardiner’s article,  Faculty Development in Higher Education and Martha Nussbaum book excerpt, Cultivating Humanity.

“What does it mean to cultivate the humanity of our     students in our classrooms?  What does it mean to cultivate our own?”

Facilitator   Bio:
After twenty-years as a secondary English teacher and then high school principal, Diane Wood earned her doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her scholarship and teaching have been rooted in democratic educational ideals and practices and inclusive learning environments. She is passionate about the development of professional cultures in schools that foster teacher dialogue, agency, and inquiry so that teachers can also develop those capacities in their students. Presently, she serves as scholar-in-residence at the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation, where she works with fellows and alumni on practitioner inquiry. Diane’s most recent work focuses on teacher-led communities of inquiry and on educational implications of the Capability Approach, as theorized by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. Her books include Teachers Learning in Community: Realities and Possibilities (SUNY Press, 2010, co-edited with Betty Lou Whitford) and Inside he National Writing Project (Teachers College Press, 2002, co-authored with Ann Lieberman). She has published numerous articles in a variety of journals, including Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Harvard Educational Review, International Journal of Educational Leadership, Journal of Human Development and Capabilityand Teachers College Record. In the spring of 2000 she was a scholar-in-residence at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center in Bellagio, Italy.

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