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Second election Justice position petitions available TODAY!

One unfilled Justice Position remains for the 2013-2014 academic year.  A second SGA election will be held to fill this spot.  Petitions will be available starting , Thursday, April 25th at 9 am in the SGA office, UU 226.

 Who is eligible to run??

Any fee-paying, undergraduate student with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA

 What are Justice responsibilities?


The Justices of the SGA are responsible for ensuring accountability within the SGA, maintaining the proper execution of business, and guaranteeing that the policies and procedures of the SGA are upheld.

 When are petitions due?

Monday, April 29th by 4:00pm in the SGA Office, UU226

 When are elections?

Voting will open at 9am and close at 4pm on Wednesday, May 1 on Involved@TU.

 Where can I find the Election Policy?


 Who do I contact if I have questions?

Contact Chris Rindosh, SGA Election Commission advisor at {crindosh@towson.edu}.

This message is brought to you by the Election Commission, an independent body who administers the SGA Elections.