TU home | T3 | Want extra funding for your campus group’s event next semester?

Want extra funding for your campus group’s event next semester?

Want to host an event?  Need space and some extra funding?  Sounds like you need Friday Night Live and Saturday Scene!

Friday Night Live and the Saturday Scene are part of the You In? Weekend programming initiative sponsored by Campus Life and the Office of Student Activities.  Campus Life will reimburse your organization or department up to $750 for hosting an event on Friday nights and $500 for hosting an event on Saturday nights.  This is a great opportunity for your organization to get your name out there and put on a great event for the campus community.

If you are interested in a Friday Night Live or Saturday Scene event, your organization will need to complete an application, which can be found in UU 217 or on our website at www.towson.edu/weekends.

Contact info: email Lindsay Wood at lwood8@students.towson.edu if you are interested in this opportunity, or if you would like to submit an application.

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