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Reminder for Supervisors and Hiring Managers

You are a diverse individual with unique perspectives, and Towson University appreciates your energy and commitment to going the extra mile in supporting its students’ success!

If you are a supervisor, a hiring manager or a search committee chairperson with responsibility for oversight of a search process, maintaining an open mind is essential. Assist others who are involved in the search process to help you to caste a wide net for highly-qualified applicants from diverse backgrounds.  Be sure to provide applicants with a warm welcome when they come to campus, and encourage them to join TU’s world class employee team!

Towson University’s mission includes providing equal employment opportunity as a vital component of creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive campus environment. TU values diversity and fosters an institutional climate that is grounded in respect and inclusion, enriches the educational experience of its students, supports positive workplace environments for staff and faculty members and students, promotes excellence, and cultivates the intellectual and personal growth of members of TU’s community.

When possible, the hiring committee and/or interview panel should include individuals from diverse backgrounds. You are encouraged to select three to five candidates for interviews. If any of these two criteria are not possible, please contact your OHR Recruiter prior to beginning interviews.

Please be certain to include Towson University’s EEO statement on all vacancy announcements:

Towson University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and has a strong institutional commitment to diversity. Women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.
