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Faculty Kudos

College of Fine Arts and Communication

Naoko Maeshiba, Department of Theatre Arts Professor, was granted a 2013 Individual Artist Award in the area of Solo Theatrical Performance by the Maryland State Arts Council.

Richard Vatz, Communications / Mass Communications Department, will deliver the Keynote address at the Southern States Communications Association Convention (April 12), entitled “Persuasion: a Revolt,” based on Dr. Vatz’s theory on the concept of persuasion. Dr. Vatz also had a lead article in The Washington Times, April 4, 2013, “The fraudulent diagnosis for mass murderers; ‘Mental illness’ is a metaphor, not a predictor,” and was a participant at a WBFF Town Hall Meeting on April 3, 2013, “The Proper Role of Government” with Ben Carson.

College of Liberal Arts

English Department

Geoff Becker won a 2013 Individual Arts Award of $3,000 from the Maryland State Arts Council for his fiction.

David Bergman had a new book of poems, Fortunate Light, published in March.

Michael Downs won a 2013 Individual Arts Award of $6,000 for his fiction from the Maryland State Arts Council.

Dana Phillips’s article, “’Slimy Beastly Life’: Thoreau on Food and Farming,” was published in ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment) 19.3 (Summer 2012).  In the late fall Dana also published, with Heather Sullivan, the introduction to the special issue on Material Ecocriticism.

Rob Roensch’s newly published collection of stories, The Wild Flowers of Baltimore, won a rave review in the March 6 issue of The City Paper.  Rob also won a $3,000 Individual Arts Award from the Maryland State Arts Council for his fiction.

Diane Scharper’s review of Not Less than Everything: Catholic Writers on Heroes of Conscience from Joan of Arc to Oscar Romeo appeared in the March 14 issue of The Christian Science Monitor.

Harvey Lillywhite, invited by the State Department, spent a week in Cairo working with analysts from Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Afghanistan to improve their investigative report-writing skills.

Jennifer Mott-Smith and Bonnie Fuller of Nursing have won a College of Health Professions grant of $2,350 to pursue their study, “Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Nursing    Students and CHP Faculty Needs Assessment.”

Lana Portolano won a Faculty Development Summer Research Fellowship for her project, “Deaf Eloquence: The Art of Preaching in Sign Language.”

Diane Scharper was invited to write the inaugural poem for the installation of James F. Conneely, Ph.D. as twelfth president of Notre Dame of Maryland University. Scharper read her poem (“Winter at the Birth of Spring”) on Friday, April 5 as part of the inauguration ceremony.

History Department

Benjamin Fisher, History, has been awarded a Harry Starr Fellowship at Harvard University’s Center for Jewish Studies.  He will be in residence at Harvard during the spring semester of 2014 as part of a group of scholars exploring the theme of “Historical Consciousness and the Jewish Historical Imagination.”

Political Science Department

Martha Kumar had the following publications and public mentions:

CBS RADIO Interviewed about presidential press conferences and about President Wilson’s first press conference.

Had a Politico article published: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/03/wh-press-conferences-turn-100-89402.html, and had a piece written about her article: http://www.politico.com/politico44/2013/03/why-obama-likes-minutes-160408.html.

Was quoted in BBC NEWS MAGAZINE, March 14, in a piece about the one hundred years of presidential press conferences. Her comments deal with the first press conference held by President Woodrow Wilson.

Spoke about President Wilson’s press conferences.,C-SPAN. Washington Journal.

Was one of five people appointed to the NAPA panel, which released a report in a press conference. Members of Congress have begun to speak about the report. FEDERAL NEWS RADIO. March 31. 

College of Health Professions

Bonnie Fuller, Nursing, and Jennifer Mott-Smith, of the English Department, have won a College of Health Professions grant of $2,350 to pursue their study, “Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Nursing    Students and CHP Faculty Needs Assessment.”