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Faculty Kudos

College of Liberal Arts

Alison McCartney, Dept. of Political Science, just published a book, Teaching Civic Engagement: From Student to Active Citizen (American Political Science Assn, 2013), with her co-editors Elizabeth Bennion and Dick Simpson.  The official book launch occurred at the American Political Science Association’s annual Teaching and Learning Conference in Long Beach, CA and included two workshops on the book.  Alison wrote two chapters in the book, including one co-authored by then-TU student Sivan Chaban.

Richard Vatz, Distinguished Professor MCOM/COMM, was featured on WBAL’s Maryland’s Morning News, WTOP Radio and WBAL’s C-4 Radio show to comment on the President Obama’s State of the Union address. He also wrote a piece on the President’s speech for Red Maryland.

College of Business and Economics

Bharat Jain and Yingying Shao, Finance, along with their colleague Joanne Li, have had a paper, “Governance, Product Market Competition and Cash Management in IPO Firms,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking and Finance.

Andrew Schiff, Accounting, recently completed a computer-based training DVD for QuickBooks, the most widely-used small business accounting software package. The DVD is entitled “QuickBooks Companion,” and is being sold through various retail channels. It is based upon his many years of training experience and incorporates extensive practical guidance for small business owners on the efficient and accurate use of QuickBooks for financial statement and tax return preparation.


College of Fine Arts and Communication

Towson University Graphic Design class collaboration with Word on the Street featured on WYPR. Word on the Street is one of 23 newspapers in the U.S. produced by homeless people and their advocates. Students in Assistant Professor Jessica Ring‘s Graphic Design for Social Issues course work with the newspaper staff to design layouts for each edition.

David M. White, Department of Theatre Arts, has been announced as a Likhachev Foundation/Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center Cultural Fellow for 2013.  David will be in residence in St. Petersburg, Russia for two weeks in May to learn about Russian jazz and continue work on his play about an American jazz musician in Russia to rediscovering his craft.