Have summer plans yet? Why not study abroad? Earn academic credit while exploring the lost city of Machu Picchu in Peru, or hiking through the El Yunque Rainforest in Puerto Rico, or traipsing about the UNESCO World Heritage Site of historic Florence, Italy.
Apply for a TU faculty-led summer study abroad program before March 1, 2013 for an opportunity to win a $100 STA Travel gift card! Winnings can go toward your international flight for your study abroad program.
Space is still available on the following TU faculty-led study abroad programs for this summer, so start reviewing your options because the deadline is quickly approaching!
Environmental Education and Service Learning in the Tropics, Costa Rica
Environmental Geography in the Czech Republic
Spanish Language and Culture in Spain
Teaching Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Settings, Puerto Rico
Tropical Field Ecology in the Peruvian Amazon, Peru
Application Deadline: MARCH 15, 2013. Admission is on a rolling basis. Early application is advised as space is limited.
For more details and applications, visit our website or contact the TU Study Abroad Office, 410-704-2451.