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Recyclemania 2013

Want to get involved with helping your community and helping the environment? Towson is conducting its annual recycling competition from February 3 to April 5, 2013, and we need student volunteers to help us make this year our best competition ever.


In 2012 we placed 169 out of 275 schools in the national competition by recycling 24 percent of our waste.  However, the University of Maryland-College Park beat us with a 35 percent recycling rate. Let’s beat them this year! This year we will also be running an inter-dorm competition between the Residence Halls. The dorms with the highest recycling rates will win a prize! If you are part of a student group, consider getting your whole group to participate in a Recyclemania project. Build recycling sculptures, host a recycling fashion show, show us how you can showcase recycling and build school spirit. Recyclemania is the fun way to make a difference here at Towson.  Please contact Sustainability Manager Clara Fang at cfang@towson.edu for more information.

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