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Remaining Free Workshops for Faculty and Staff during January

Please Note: If Towson University opens late on a date in which a workshop is scheduled, the workshop will be cancelled and will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

Performance Management: The Supervisor’s Role (Required workshop for the Management & Supervision Certificate)
(Formerly Conducting Effective Performance Reviews)
This workshop is designed to teach supervisors the Performance Management System at Towson University. Representatives from Human Resources will go over each step of the process. Topics include the goals and pitfalls of performance evaluation as well as the mechanics of completing the evaluation form. You will also have an opportunity to share ideas with colleagues on how to involve your employees in productive dialogue and in actions related to performance. Register at: http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp.

Date: Thursday, January 24
Time: 9 a.m. to Noon
Location: Administration 120
Presented by: JoAnn Joseph, Office of Human Resources

Civility in the Workplace (Elective course for the Management & Supervision Certificate and the Workplace Professional Certificate)
Workplace incivility is a leading cause of lost time and of low productivity among employees. A more civil workplace contributes to a higher quality of work life and to a higher quality of work productivity. Attend this workshop to become aware of behaviors that contribute to productivity as well as those that inhibit it, learn tools to help deal with others who act inappropriately and learn how to partner with team members to establish expectations for working together and building cohesive relationships. You will gain valuable knowledge, tools and action steps to create a more civil working environment. Register at: http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp.

Date: Tuesday, January 29
Time: 9 a.m. – Noon
Location: Administration 120
Presented by: Spencer Bennett, Office of Student Conduct and Civility

Supervising Student Employees (Elective workshop for the Workplace Professional Certificate)
This workshop will define your role as a supervisor to student employees. You will learn how the current generation of students likes to work and learn. We will explore ways to create an environment that supports students in gaining and refining necessary skills for the workplace. You will learn how to give feedback, reward, and recognize your student employees. This workshop will also address strategies for when things don’t go as planned. Register at: http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp.

Date: Thursday, January 31
Time: 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Location: Administration 120
Presented by: Mike Noll, Office of Human Resources

Towson eLearning Center (TEC) Featured Course of the Month

Performance Reviews [mgmt_11_a02_bs_enus] (Required course for the Performance Management Competency Focus)
Appraisal interviews are the culmination of the ongoing performance appraisal process. The first part of this process begins with modeling an effective performance discussion. When a manager knows what he is aiming for, he can then use this knowledge to plan and conduct a worthwhile, efficient performance meeting. Even when they are planned, appraisal meetings aren’t always easy encounters. Sometimes, a manager will have to tell an employee that his performance isn’t good enough–despite all earlier efforts.

This course gives sound practical advice about how to handle the appraisal of someone who is a consistently poor performer. Appraisees aren’t always passive recipients of their manager’s assessments, so this course prepares managers for the more difficult reactions they will encounter. All this will make the appraisal meeting a practical and successful event. But to make it purposeful, a manager must develop better performance in her employees. This means both creating the best performance opportunities and identifying the steps a manager must take to develop her team members. Too often, training is the sole and unfocused response by many managers in response to their employees’ development needs.

This course ends by explaining how training can be used effectively and purposefully in development. This course rejects the view held by many managers and employees that appraisal meetings are a bureaucratic and pointless activity. Instead, appraisal meetings can be designed to be both productive and practical.

Complete this online course any time you like at http://www.towson.edu/tec
(User name = your seven-digit Towson ID number, Password = towson – all lowercase)


How to Search and Register for OHR Workshops

1) The Office of Human Resources offers free workshops for Towson University faculty and staff. To search and register for workshops, go to: http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/HR/training/TrainingAndDevelopmentSchedule.asp.
2) To view a course description, click on the course name.

Registering for a Workshop

1) Click on the Course Registration link on the left side of the page or the link within the online schedule posted after each month of workshops listed.

2) Complete the form with your Towson email address. If you have a question related to the classes, please write it in the Comments/Questions box.

3) Click Submit. You will receive an email from hrtraining@towson.edu confirming your selection(s) within a few days.

To Cancel a Workshop

Please send an email to hrtraining@towson.edu with your name and class/date that you would like to cancel.

Need additional information or have questions? Contact Training and Development via email at hrtraining@towson.edu.