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Fall Student Leadership Conference

Dear Student Leader,

You are cordially invited to attend the 2003 Fall Leadership Conference! I am excited to announce that this year’s conference will be held in a new location – the Minnegan Room at Johnny Unitas Stadium which overlooks the football field. We have invited Darin Eich, a talented and amusing leadership speaker, to be our keynote speaker at the conference. Any Towson student is welcome to attend, so inform anyone else that you think may be interested!

Please mark your calendars for the date below and then call, email, or visit the Office of Student Activities to RSVP!

Fall Leadership Conference
November 14, 2003
Minnegan Room at Johnny Unitas Stadium
12 pm – 3 pm

Call 410.704.3307
Email Liz, {lizziv19@aol.com}
Visit the OSA in the University Union, room 217

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