Don’t lose your opportunity to have your voice be hear on Election Day!
Voter Registration
The deadline to register to vote in Maryland and surrounding states is fast approaching so don’t let this opportunity for you to vote on Tuesday, November 2 in the Presidential Election pass you by. Your Voter Registration Application must be postmarked by the registration deadline so you still have time to download the form from the Federal Election Commission’s website {} or from your home state or county’s election website and mail it into your respective state elections office.
Absentee Ballot
If you know you won’t be able to make it to your polling site on the day of the General Election, consider requesting an Absentee Ballot. As a college student attending an institution of higher learning away from your your home county or state, you should qualify. If you qualify and you request and Absentee Ballot, you will cast your vote by mail rather than going to a polling site to vote. You may also use your local address as your domicile and register to vote in the state of Maryland so that you can vote at a polling site near Towson, so consider your options.
For more information, contact Trista Sikes in Campus Life (410) 704-2332 or come by the office, UU 217.