TU home | T3 | SeeSaw-a-thon


Delta Sigma Phi will be participating in their 3rd annual,48 hours of seesawing for the March of Dimes and prematurely born babies. This is will take place on tuesday 10am (10/28/03) – thursday 10am (10/30/03). It will be done for 48 straight hours as always; done day and night and rain or shine. We hope to gain any amount of donation and give it directly to our philantropy organization, the March of Dimes. In the past we have raised over $3,000 in the past two years to help prematurely born babies. This year we hope to raise around $2,000, which would be more than any year that we held this event. susqIt will take place on the susquenhanna patio. (right by the fish pond). Please stop by and help in our efforts to aid the March of Dimes. Everyone’s efforts will make a significant difference. Thank you in advance for your support.

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