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Exciting JOB OPPORTUNITY for graduating seniors!

The prestigious Hillel Steinhardt Jewish Campus Service Corps is a paid, one-year fellowship that enables recent college graduates to work on campuses across North America helping students explore and celebrate their Jewishness. Extensive Jewish education is not necessary–just the desire to make a difference in the lives of students. The fellowship attracts all types of Jews. It’s not necessarily the start of a career in the Jewish community, although it certainly can be. It is a fun, exciting opportunity, much like living the college life without the classes!

APPLICATION DEADLINE IS MONDAY, MARCH 1ST. After the deadline, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis but it will be to your advantage to apply by the deadline to get the most campus options as possible.

To find out more about this great opportunity, visit {www.jcsc.hillel.org}. Contact Johanna Karasik, JCSC Fellow at Towson University, {jkarasik@towson.edu}, 410-704-4671, if you have any questions.