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WMJF- Do you want to be on TV?

Tired of the same, old thing on television?
Do you think you can make better TV shows than the networks?
Then step up to the plate…

WMJF, Towson University’s TV station, is now accepting show proposals for the Spring 2003 semester. It’s simple to propose a show, all you have to do is email your idea(s) to {wmjf-tv@towson.edu} or turn in a hard copy to WMJF’s office located in room 110 of the Media Center. Please include your name, phone number and email address. Proposals are due before 3:00 PM December 17th.

A representative of the station will contact you to discuss your show proposal soon after we receive your idea. Thanks and be sure to tune in to watch the season finalies of your favorite WMJF show on-campus on channel 61 and off-campus broadcast on channel 16. Thanks for watching!

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