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Free Trip to Israel Registration Closing

Registration may be closing on Friday, April 30th!! If you’re interested in this trip, make sure you apply today!!

Explore Israel Campus Trip: May 31st to June 10th

That’s right, if you’re Jewish, between 18 and 26, and have never been on a peer-group trip to Israel, YOU CAN GO TO ISRAEL FOR FREE. No catch…just grab your passport, get yourself to New York, and the rest of the trip is paid for by us! Hillel’s campus trip will be leaving the first week of June (exact dates will come soon). Birthright Israel trips are great opportunities to visit the land of Israel with your friends while making new ones. Meet people from all over the US, take in the major sites, learn about your culture, and partake in the experience of a lifetime on this trip. If you are interested in this amazing, 10-day trip to Israel, then apply now!!

To register, go to {http://www.hillel.org}. On the left side of the screen, click on “Hillel’s Birthright Israel Trip.” There are several different trip options. If you would like to go with Hillel and, thus, other Towson students, click on “Explore Israel Campus Trip.” Here you can read about the trip and when you’re ready, “Apply Now” is the place to go.

If you have questions or would like to talk more about Birthright Israel, please Jo at {jkarasik@towson.edu}, 4-4671, or AIM: JoTheJewatTU.