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Omicron Delta Kappa Applications Available Now!

Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honor Society:
Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2007

Are you: a junior, a senior, or graduate student?
Do you have at least a 3.0 grade point average?
Could you mentor future leaders of TU?
Have you shown strong leadership in one or more of these areas?
– Scholarship
– Athletics
– Social, Service and Religious Activities, and Student Government
– Journalism, Speech and the Mass Media
– Creative and Performing Areas

The Omicron Delta Kappa Society, Inc. recognizes and encourages
superior scholarship, leadership, and exemplary character. Membership
in ODK is a mark of highest distinction and honor.

Applications are available in the Student Government Association
Office, UU 226.

Due Date: October 19, 2007

If you have additional questions, please contact Brandon Moore at