TU home | T3 | UPDATED- Take a Practice GRE or LSAT on October 19th!

UPDATED- Take a Practice GRE or LSAT on October 19th!

Psi Chi/ Psychology Club is hosting a representative from KAPLAN to adminster a practice GRE and LSAT. For those interested, it only costs $5 and you nees to register with KAPLAN at {www.kaptest.com} or by calling 1-800-KAP-TEST. YOU MUST REGISTER TO RESERVE A SEAT!

If you wish to take the LSAT, you must get to Rm. 205 in the Psyc Building no later than 3:00pm on October 19th. The test will start promptly to ensure that everyone will have enough time.

If you wish to take the GRE, you must be at Rm. 302 in the Psyc Building no later than 3:00pm on October 19th.

The duration of the GRE is 1 hour, 30 minutes, while the LSAT is 3 hours, 30 minutes.

This opportunity is open to all Towson Students! We hope to see you there!

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