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September Student Organization Events Needed

Attention Student Organizations:

Has your organization finalized any events for the month of September? The Office of Student Acitivities is coordinating September Celebration (the calendar of programs for the month), and would like to get your events included in the publication. If you do have an event(s), please email {jheiserman@towson.edu} the following information:

Date of Event:
Brief Description (as you would want a new student to read it):
Sponsoring Organization:

Please have this information submitted by July 15th.

If you do not have a program planned, but would like to develop one, we have identified some “slower” days during the month that could use some programs. They are as follows…

Mon, 8/29 (anytime)

Tues, 9/6 (evening)

Fri, 9/9 (evening)

Mon, 9/12 (evening after 9pm)

Fri, 9/16 (anytime)

Wed, 9/21 (anytime)

Thurs, 9/22 (anytime)

Fri, 9/23 (anytime)

Thank you for assisting with this proect!