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Study Abroad Summer 2007 – Apply Now

Study abroad with TU this summer! Spaces are still available on the following TU Summer 2007 programs:
Berlin, Prague, Vienna: The Heart of Central Europe
French Civilization: The Middle Ages to The Present, France

German Language in Oldenburg, Germany
Myth, Ideology, and Symbolic Spaces, Greece
Spanish language in Betanzos, Spain
TU Ajou University International Summer School, Korea
TU Dublin Internship Program, Ireland
TU in France
TU London Internship Program, UK
TU Newcastle International Summer School, UK
TU Sogang University Summer School, Korea
TU Sunshine Coast, Australia
USM Summer Program in Rome, Italy

APPLICATION DEADLINE: MARCH 15, 2007 (early application is advised). Please go to {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/studyabroad/tuprograms.asp} for more details and an application or contact the TU Study Abroad Office at studyabroad@towson.edu.