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“What Israel Means to Me” – An Essay Contest

In memory of the 10th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin’s death, and in honor of his life, legacy and commitment to Israel, Tigers for Israel and Hillel are presenting a new essay contest for the Towson University student community. The theme of this contest is “What Israel Means to Me.” We invite each participant to explore his or her own relationship with the state, land, and people of Israel.

Essays should be approximately 500 – 1,000 words. The essays will be judged by a panel of Jewish professionals from Towson and the community at large. The top three essays will receive prizes of $150, $75, and $25. Selected entries will also appear in a new Israel themed literary magazine to be published next semester. All entries are due by Friday, December 2, 2005 and can be e-mailed to {hillel@towson.edu} or brought directly to the Jewish Activities Center, 2nd Floor of Newell.

For more information, please contact Ken Krivitzky, Hillel Director, at 410-704-4671, {hillel@towson.edu} or go to {http://www.towson.edu/hillel/}.