TU home | T3 | LAST CHANCE!! Apply NOW for the 2010 Homecoming Committee!

LAST CHANCE!! Apply NOW for the 2010 Homecoming Committee!

The 2010 Homecoming Committee is looking for dedicated members to help make next year?s homecoming unforgettable. Do you have ideas on how to make homecoming a success? Are you creative? Do you like advertising? Do you have school spirit for Towson? The Homecoming Committee needs you! Even if you are just looking to be more involved, being a part of the Homecoming Committee is a great opportunity and so much fun for everyone involved!
Homecoming Committee applications are available on-line at: {http://www.towson.edu/homecoming}.

Please contact Chris Rindosh, Homecoming Advisor at crindosh@towson.edu or stop in University Union 217.