TU home | T3 | Notice to Contingent Employees Affected by the 9/28/05 Contingent Payroll Direct Deposit Delay

Notice to Contingent Employees Affected by the 9/28/05 Contingent Payroll Direct Deposit Delay

We understand that the state?s error in processing direct deposits in a timely manner may have adversely affected some of you. Because our employees are important to us, we have devised the following procedure to help address hardships you might experience as a result of the state?s error such as bank or vendor fees.

Procedures for obtaining reimbursement for bank or vendor-related fees resulting from direct deposit delay:

1. First, use the letter from State of Maryland, Central Payroll Bureau to attempt to negotiate with your bank or vendor to have fees directly attributable to the direct deposit delay reversed: {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/documents/DDCTOverdraft.doc}.

2. Should the bank or vendor refuse to reverse the charge, request reimbursement from Towson University by submitting a Miscellaneous Expense Voucher ({http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/fiscalplanning/financialservices/documents/misc_exp_voucher_form.pdf}) along with a copy of your monthly statement or late fee notice, with reimbursable fees circled, to Financial Services.
a. Sign the form on the line labeled ?Signature of Requester.?
b. Authorized Budget Signature and Budget code are NOT required
c. Form must be received by Financial Services no later than Tuesday, November 15, 2005
d. Submit the form and documentation in duplicate and keep a copy for your records
e. Fees not directly attributable to the one-day delay in receipt of direct deposit funds are not reimbursable.

3. You will be notified when your reimbursement request has been processed and the funds will be disbursed based on the payment method that you selected.

We have tried to anticipate most issues associated with this situation. However, if you have additional questions, please contact Sue Brodie, Associate Director of Financial Services, at x4-3494.
