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Rush Events for Phi Sigma Pi National Co-ed Honor Fraternity

Phi Sigma Pi is the fraternity made for those who want to get more involved on campus and find a close-knit group of open-minded and diverse Towson students.

We’re open to people of all majors, all different points of view, and best of all – BOTH SEXES. Our fraternity balances the aspects of scholarship and leadership that are important in a college education, with an outstanding social life. Become a member of Phi Sigma Pi and you’ll never be short on good friends or great times!

You must have a 3.0 and between 12 and 90 credits at Towson to join. Rush events for Phi Sigma Pi started this week! The events are as follows (all events meet at the info desk in the University Union and transportation will be provided by brothers of Phi Sigma Pi):

Saturday, February 25th ? Pizza/Pajama Party @ 8:00pm
Monday, February 27th ? Lunch in Susq Terr. @ 2:00pm; Pool at Paws @ 7:00pm
Tuesday, February 28th ? Game Night @ 7:00pm
Wednesday, March 1st ? PB&J Making @ 7:00pm (Sandwiches to be donated to a local charity)
Thursday, March 2nd ? Luncheon in Susq Terr. @ 3:30pm; Bowling Trip @ 8:45pm
Friday, March 3rd ? Trip to the Aquarium @ 3:00pm

For more info contact Christine Ruszin at {cruszi1@towson.edu}

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