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Procedures for Submitting Information for Daily Digest Messages

In just a few short months, Daily Digest has become the definitive source for news and announcements on the Towson University campus. Thanks for making the Digest a campus-wide success.

As we continue to provide the Daily Digest service, we would like to remind faculty and staff of the procedures for submitting information to be posted in the Digest.

All faculty and staff members are welcome to submit university-related material through their appropriate office editor. Please contact your individual reporting division for guidance on which editor you should work with.

Although some editors have provided specific rules for submissions, in general, please forward any information you wish to appear in the Daily Digest at least one business day prior to your desired publication date. Editors can load information into the Daily Digest queue for future delivery months in advance and assign start and stop dates for the announcement. Please contact your editor for any specific requests he or she might have about submissions.

We recommend that you minimally provide the following information:

o Your Full Name
o The name of the sponsoring organization
o The headline of your message
o Start date for the announcement to run
o End date for the announcement to run
o Content of the announcement, including the ?who, what, where, when, why? information (Please check over your content for spelling, capitalization and grammar to the best of your knowledge before submitting it)
o Contact information for people interested in learning more about your message (e-mail, phone number, Web address)

Authorized editors at this time are:

The Office of the President (including Athletics)
Marilyn Dannenfelser ? {mdannenfelser@towson.edu}
Barbara Michels ? {bmichels@towson.edu}
Marilyn Nall ? {mnall@towson.edu}
Barry Barnum ? {bbarnum@towson.edu}
Peter Schlehr ? {pschlehr@towson.edu}

The Office of the Provost
Denise Fields ? {dfields@towson.edu}
Judy Kempske ? {jkempske@towson.edu}
Deborah Leather ? {dleather@towson.edu}
Denise Raspa ? {draspa@towson.edu}

The Office of the Vice President of Administration and Finance
Robin Wiesand ? {rwiesand@towson.edu}
Amie Voith ? {avoith@towson.edu}

The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement
Elizabeth Carbone ? {ecarbone@towson.edu}
Susanna Craine ? {scraine@towson.edu}
Carol Dunsworth ? {cdunsworth@towson.edu}
Jan Lucas ? {jlucas@towson.edu}
Louise Miller ? {lmiller@towson.edu}
Marie Robertson ? {mrobertson@towson.edu}

The Office of Student Affairs
Teresa Hall ? {thall@towson.edu}
Peggy Woernle ? {pwoernle@towson.edu}
Cyndi Zimmerman ? {czimmerman@towson.edu}

The Campus Police
Jean Comer ? {jcomer@towson.edu}
Bernard Gerst ? {bgerst@towson.edu}
Joseph Herbert ? {jherbert@towson.edu}
Charles Herring ? {cherring@towson.edu}
George Morgan ? {gmorgan@towson.edu}
Robert Novak ? {rnovak@towson.edu}
Scott Rouch ? {srouch@towson.edu}

Please refer to {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/applications/DailyDigest/Documentation/Policy.htm} for more information on the Digest, as well as a sample submission.

If you have any further questions, please contact Amie Voith, communications specialist for the Office of Technology Services, x4-5854 or {avoith@towson.edu}.