TU home | T3 | Upgrade to Microsoft Office 2003 Expected Soon; Important News for Access 97 Users

Upgrade to Microsoft Office 2003 Expected Soon; Important News for Access 97 Users

The Office of Technology Services (OTS) is in the early stages of planning a campus-wide initiative to upgrade computer systems that run Microsoft Office 2000 to Microsoft Office 2003. The upgrade is in direct response to requests from the campus community for the most recent version of Office, as well as OTS? commitment to maintaining secure systems for its users. Office 2003 will provide standardization across campus and improve compatibility between offices. The upgrade will likely begin in mid to late August and continue through the early part of the fall semester; more information and details will follow in Daily Digest.

One of the most challenging parts of the upgrade will be moving Microsoft Access 97 databases to Microsoft Access 2003. If you do NOT use Microsoft Access OR your databases are Microsoft Access 2000 or above, please disregard the rest of this notice.

Attention Access 97 Database Users:
OTS would like to work with you well in advance of the general Office 2003 upgrade. This will give you and OTS a head start in ensuring that all your databases convert properly and that data integrity is preserved. Databases can become unusable if the conversion is not done properly and appropriate backup precautions are not followed.

To arrange for a review of your database conversion needs from Access 97, OTS has established a special e-mail address. Please send an e-mail to {msaccess97@towson.edu} and include your name, telephone number, best days and times to contact you, department, and building and room information. A staff member will contact you within several days of receipt to discuss this further. PLEASE GET BACK TO OTS BY MONDAY, AUGUST 1 in order to allow adequate time for the conversion. If you have questions, please call 410-704-5151.

Access 2003 Training
For those users converting to Access 2003 who would like instruction on using the new version, OTS Training offers an Access 2003 Basics workshop on the following upcoming dates:

Thursday, July 28: 9-11 a.m., Cook 404B
Wednesday, Aug. 10: 9-11 a.m., Cook 404B
Thursday, Sept. 8: 1-3 p.m., Cook 3
Wednesday, Oct. 5: 9-11 a.m., Cook 3

To register for this workshop or others go to {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining} and click on Registration.

OTS Training also offers 14 self-help documents on Access. To access them go to {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining}, click on Self Help Training Documents and select Access from the index.

If you have questions about OTS Training, please call 410-704-4070 or e-mail {training@towson.edu}.