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OTS Field Support Brings Technology Support Closer to Customer

In an effort to provide better and more direct technology support services to faculty and staff, the Office of Technology Services (OTS) recently implemented a new model for field support.

In the new model technology support is dispatched and distributed based on three geographic regions, or precincts, on campus. A campus map showing the three precincts (east, central and west) can be viewed at {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/fieldsupport/documents/2004_fieldmap.pdf}.

Two positions are key to the model?s success: liaisons will partner with the campus? seven colleges, fostering strong working relationships and greater communication, and issue resolution specialists will provide face-to-face field support for technology issues.

How the New Model Works
The new model?s procedures are similar to those followed by emergency response units for 911 calls, or those followed by the campus? Facilities Management Department: