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New McAfee Anti-Virus Application for Home Use Now Helps Protect You from Spyware

Towson University?s McAfee package, available for download, now includes both anti-virus and anti-spyware protection for Windows PCs. As part of the MEEC software licensing program, it is free to all faculty, staff, and students at Towson University. Everyone is highly encouraged to update the McAfee product on their home computers. If you already have McAfee installed, simply uninstall the current version and install the latest version, available at {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/CoreTechSecurity/OTSDownloadsall.asp}

Why should I be concerned about spyware?
? Estimates show that between 50-80% of all computers are likely infected with some form of spyware.
? Microsoft estimates that 50% of all PC crashes are due to spyware
? Dell reports that 20% of all technical support calls involve spyware.

What is Spyware?
Spyware is software installed without the full knowledge of the user. Spyware is often covertly transferred to a user’s computer during the downloading of file sharing programs, or when surfing certain Web sites.
More details: {https://wwwnew.towson.edu/knowledgecenter/article.aspx?article=241}

What does Spyware do?
Spyware poses a security threat by transmitting the user’s private information back to a third party. Spyware allows its creators to:
? Gather a user’s private/personal information
? Steal copyrighted or confidential information
? Create irreparable system instability
? Damage or interfere with legitimate application operations
? Open a back door on infected systems so others can access and/or take over the computer

What about computers on campus?
University computers located on campus have already been updated.

Is McAfee anti-spyware protection available for the Mac?
It is not available at this time; if it becomes available, OTS will notify the campus community.

How can I install the McAfee Anti-Spyware Module on my home computer?
Faculty, staff and students can download the installation package from the OTS Web site: {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/CoreTechSecurity/OTSDownloadsall.asp}

Carefully review the instructions provided at the link above prior to installation.

How Safe Are You?
Take a Spyware self-assessment and find out (courtesy of NCSA):

Learn more from the OTS FAQ: