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Mark Your Calendars NOW!!!!

After 75 years, their work here is Dunne!!

Yes, you guessed it, Michael and Joan Dunne are retiring after 75 years of combined service to TU. Their retirement party will be held on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 from 4-8 p.m. in the Potomac Lounge of the University Union.

You too can help send them off properly . . .

? Raid those junk drawers and old boxes, and please send any pictures you may have of their time here on campus to enhance the celebration. Put your name on the back of all pictures and send them to the Office of Human Resources. They will be returned to you.
? Think about it. Do you have a favorite, funny, or meaningful memory, story, or experience with Joan or Mike that you would like to share? Or perhaps you may want to send them a special message.
If so, we?d love to know about it. Please record your thoughts on an unlined, white, 3×5 index card and send it to Mary T. Casterline in the Office of Human Resources.

So mark those calendars now, and keep watching the Digest! More information will follow in April.