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Benefits Bulletin: Open Enrollment Update

While the dates and details concerning the anticipated 2004 Open Enrollment period for all Maryland State insurance benefits haven?t yet been announced, there have been several items in the news relating to possible changes in coverage and costs for the 2005 plan year. Once the official information is available, details will be published in future Benefits Bulletins on Daily Digest.

Even though final details have not been officially announced, the Maryland State Department of Budget and Management?s Employee Benefits Division (DBM EBD) has shared some of the changes expected to take place for calendar year 2005 coverage, among which are:

* Standardizing all medical plan copays to $15 for primary care visits and $25 for specialist care;
* Increasing copays for Emergency Room visits to $50 (if not admitted to hospital) for all medical plans;
* Replacing the current Dental Point of Service plan with a new United Concordia PPO dental plan;
* Allowing continuation of coverage for all unmarried eligible dependent children through the end of the year in which they turn 23 regardless of student status. This change will mean that as of January 1, 2005 any currently eligible dependent children who turned 23 in 2004 will not be able to continue coverage under their parent?s Maryland State insurance plan unless they were disabled prior to age 19.

At this time, DBM EBD has not released any information relating to changes to the current prescription drug plan.

Open Enrollment will offer all eligible faculty and staff, including eligible contingent staff, lecturers and part-time faculty members, the opportunity to examine and evaluate their current coverage and compare those with the coverage and costs for 2005. Changes can be made during OE usually without any special enrollment restrictions and will normally be effective on January 1, 2005.

Be sure to check Daily Digest for more information about this year?s Open Enrollment.

Questions should be directed to Dave Curtis, x4-6018 or {dcurtis@towson.edu}, or Gail Price, x4-6017, {gprice@towson.edu}
