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2004 Benefits Deductions and Payments

The new 2004 payroll deductions for all Maryland State group insurance benefits are scheduled to begin with paychecks received on Wednesday, Jan. 14, for pay period ending Jan. 6.

All regular faculty and staff members who have payroll deductions for group insurance benefits are responsible for reviewing their pay stubs carefully to be sure that they are enrolled in the correct plan(s) for 2004. All changes made to Maryland State benefit coverage during last fall?s Open Enrollment period should appear in the Jan. 14 paycheck and reflect a Jan. 1, 2004 effective date. Any regular faculty or staff member whose Jan. 14 pay stub showed incorrect deductions for 2004, based on their Summary Statement of Benefit Elections, their OE worksheet and/or the rates listed in their 2004 Benefits Book, should contact either Dave Curtis or Gail Price in OHR IMMEDIATELY! Errors reported more than 30 days after the first incorrect deduction may not be accepted by the State for correction so it is extremely important to check your payroll deductions!

Direct Pay enrollees (contingent staff, lecturers and part-time faculty) should have received their 2004 payment coupons directly from the Maryland State Benefits Division; they are not eligible for payroll deductions for their group insurance benefits.

Questions should be directed to Dave Curtis, x46018 email: {dcurtis@towson.edu} or Gail Price, x46017 email: {gprice@towson.edu}
