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AAUP Regional Conference: Cary Nelson, Keynote Speaker

The AAUP Maryland Conference will hold their annual meeting here at Towson University on October 1, 2005. All events will take place in the Burkshire Hotel. Please find the schedule, registration form, and contact information below:

AAUP Maryland Conference, Fall Meeting
?Higher Education and the Corporate Model?

October 1, 2005

9:00 AM Registration and Coffee

9:30 AM Welcome: Dr. Robert Caret, President, Towson University

9:45 AM Dr. Cary Nelson
Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Professor of English and Cultural Studies

?Piecework, Globalization, and the Future of Higher Education”

11:00 AM Coffee Break

11:15 AM Dr. John Curtis
Director of Research, National AAUP

?Trends in Faculty Status and Compensation?

12:15 PM Luncheon at Nathan T?s, Burkshire Marriott Conference Hotel

1:15 PM Report on the State Legislative Scene & Business Meeting

3:00 PM Adjournment

Registration Form



Registration and Luncheon: $20.00 __________

MD Conference Dues: $5.00 ___________

Total: $__________

Please make checks payable to: The Maryland Conference of the AAUP

Send to: Prof. Marianna Horea, conference organizer
Dept. of Kinesiology
Towson University
8000 York Rd.
Towson, MD 21252-0001
Tel: (410) 704-3912

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