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Departmental Information/Tours During January TU CARES

It is time once again to welcome the incoming students that are joining the TU community for the spring 2005 semester. During the January TU CARES program, academic departments are asked to have representatives available for departmental information/tours held just before lunch each day. Here are the details:

Dates: January 14, 18, 19, 20 & 21. January 24 & 25 are the scheduled snow dates

Times: the students will arrive at the departments around 11:10 and will have until 11:30 or 11:45 (however long they need)

If departments have specific rooms where they would like the students to arrive or specific representatives to ask for when they arrive, they need to let the Orientation Office know and the information will be passed along to student leaders.

As usual this is optional – it is ok if a department chooses not to participate. Also, if it would be helpful, the Orientation Office can share with departments how many students, in each major, are scheduled during each TU CARES date. If a department would like this information, they just need to call the Orientation Office at 42309 or e-mail Chyniece Dickson at {cdicks1@towson.edu} closer to the program.