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CONTINUED: Faculty Workshop

Join your fellow faculty to explore the role of self in teaching.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Chesapeake I Room of the University Union
3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Barbara Bass, Department of English and Director, Maryland Writing Project
Lynn Cole, Dep. of Elementary Education and Director, Institute for Gifted Children
Edyth Wheeler, Department of Early Childhood Education
G. Pat Wilson, Department of Early Childhood Education

?The question we most commonly ask is the “what” question-What subjects shall we teach? When the conversation goes a bit deeper, we ask the “how” questions-what methods and techniques are required to teach well? Occasionally, when it goes deeper still, we ask the “why” question-For what purpose and to what ends do we teach? But seldom, if ever, do we ask the “who” question-who is the self that teaches? How does the quality of my selfhood form-or deform-the way I relate to my students, my subject, my colleagues, and my world? How can educational institutions sustain and deepen the selfhood from which good teaching comes?? –Parker J. Palmer, The Courage to Teach.

During this one hour presentation, we will discuss principles from Courage to Teach, ask the audience to participate in a Courage to Teach activity in order to explore something about ?Who? the self is that teaches. Finally, we will end with sharing ways we?ve incorporated some of this work in our teaching. This lecture is sponsored by Faculty Development and the Institute for Applied Cognition and Teaching.

Fruit and desserts will be served before the presentation.

For reservations, please call Donna Guillott (410)704-3828 or email her at {dguillott@towson.edu}.