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April Training and Development Opportunities

Building Bridges Across Generations in the Workplace
Date: April 3, 2008
Time: 1 – 4 p.m.
Location: AD120
Generational gaps in today’s workplace have never been wider. There are diverse generations working side by side, each with a different set of values, beliefs, life experiences, world views and attitudes towards the workplace. In working relationships, these differences can result in disagreements and motivate us to re-examine the way we work together. Attend this workshop to identify generational differences; recognize and understand the impact generational differences have on teamwork; better understand your perceptions and interpretations of the various generations, their behaviors, and attitudes; and create an individual action plan to help you better communicate with your team.

Personal Influence
Date: April 16, 2008
Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: AD120
A large percentage of our daily work involves communicating and working with others. Skills and techniques to persuade and influence others in the workplace are essential. Getting others to help you in your job will make you more successful, and in today’s highly networked work environment our success is often dependant upon the cooperation of others – often individuals who we have no authority over. Attend this workshop to learn how to enhance your influence at work, discuss power versus influence, learn tips for building influence and support, learn to communicate assertively, and develop an action plan to build and use your influence back on the job.

Lunch and Learn: Learning to Appreciate Your Body
Date: April 25, 2008
Time: noon – 1 p.m.
Location: AD120
Individuals across the country are engaged in painful struggles with their bodies, diets and exercising. This program will impart information aimed at understanding body image issues as well as provide participants with strategies to improve their relationships with their bodies. Participants will also learn ways to be good models for others, helping children appreciate their unique bodies.

To register for any workshop, complete and submit the course registration form at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}.

Please contact Kristi Yowell at x4-6012 and {kyowell@towson.edu} or Alana Sonenshine at x4-6015 and {asonenshine@towson.edu} if you have any questions.