Fiscal irregularities include, but are not limited to, embezzlement, theft and falsification of documents, including the improper use of the university procurement card.
What should I do if I suspect or know of a fiscal irregularity?
University employees should inform University Counsel or the Internal Audit Office of the System Administration, who will notify the appropriate authorities and investigate the suspected fiscal irregularity. To the extent allowed by law, reasonable efforts will be made to ensure the confidentiality of the person reporting the suspected fiscal irregularity.
What are the consequences of fiscal irregularities?
Following the investigation, University Counsel informs the President, who will consult with the Office of the Attorney General to determine a course of action, including discipline, restitution or termination.
Where can I find additional information about fiscal irregularities?
The university’s policy on fiscal irregularities is available in its entirety at {}
Additional questions should be directed to University Counsel at x4-4003