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More Seats Purchased to Meet Demand! Online Workshops on Teaching Online and Emerging Technologies

OTS sponsors Towson?s College Pass membership to Sloan-C. With this membership, Towson instructors can attend some workshops, use discussion forums, and access free articles, publications and resources from the Sloan-C site. Additional information on the Sloan Consortium is available by contacting Audrey Cutler at x4-5082 or {acutler@towson.edu}.

Sloan-C Online Workshops

A limited number of Towson faculty members can attend one or more of the workshops below for free. Normally, these workshops cost $350 – $500 each. All courses are offered in a fully online format.

To register for these workshops, contact Audrey Cutler at x4-5082 or {acutler@towson.edu}. For workshop descriptions, please see {http://www.sloanconsortium.org/workshops/upcoming}.

*Getting Started: The First Step Toward Online Teaching *Recommended
July 14 ? 30, 2010
August 25 ? September 10, 2010

*3-Part Workshop Series on Blended Learning (You must register for all three workshops) *Recommended
1. Designing Blended Courses and Building a Blended Learning Community, July 5 – 26, 2010
2. Delivering Content, Fostering Student Interactivity, and Assessing Learning in Blended Courses, August 2 – 23,2010
3. Staying Organized, Evaluating Course Design, and Moving Forward w/ Your Blended Course, September 13 – October 4, 2010

Selection, Incorporation, and Assessment of New and Emerging Technologies for Online Courses
June 16 ? 25, 2010

Blended Learning: Using the HyFlex Course Design
June 16 ? 25, 2010

Video and Audio Tools for Teaching and Learning
July 7 ? 16, 2010

Student Success Strategies: Teaching Students Techniques to Utilize Online Reference Materials in Their Academic Work
July 14 ? 23, 2010

Using Moodle to Create Online Courses
July 26 ? August 6, 2010

Academic Integrity in Online Education
July 28 ? August 6, 2010

Providing Effective Feedback in Online Courses for Enabling Student Learning
August 4 ? 13, 2010

Podcasting in Higher Education: Current Trends and Applications
August 11 ? 20, 2010

Student PTSD and Faculty Stress in the Online Classroom
August 11 ? 20, 2010

Teaching and Learning with Online Labs: Developing Best Practices and Accomplishing Learning Objectives
August 18 ? 27, 2010

Using the Community of Inquiry Survey for Multi-Level Institutional Evaluation
August 25 ? September 3, 2010

Want more workshops?

CIAT and OTS Training provide workshops on software topics, emerging technology, online teaching and more! We can create custom workshops for your college or department, too! For more on these TU workshops, please see: {http://fusion.towson.edu/www/ciat/workshops}.