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Status on Portal Timeout Issues

The Office of Technology Services has been actively pursuing a solution to the timeout problems faculty and staff are experiencing inside the My TU portal.

Prior to the reconfiguring of the portal, there was a 30-minute timeout in place even when users were actively working in applications such as Forms Repository, PeopleSoft or Timesheet.

To solve this problem, the portal timeout period has been increased to four hours. This means that if you log in to the portal and are actively working in an application, you will not be timed out for four hours. However, please note that you will still receive a timeout warning when you are inactive in PeopleSoft for 30 minutes.

We will communicate this message and future updates through OTS alerts, the Portal blog and Daily Digest. Please share this information with your group, and let us know if there are others who should receive it.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve the portal. Please try the portal again at {https://inside.towson.edu/myTU/myTU.asp}, and send us your feedback via {mytufeedback@towson.edu}. We will continue to work on a permanent solution.